
class xc.Domain

Bases: xc.ObjWithRecorders

calculateNodalReactions((Domain)arg1, (bool)arg2, (float)arg3) → int :

triggers nodal reaction calculation.

C++ signature :
int calculateNodalReactions(XC::Domain {lvalue},bool,double)
checkNodalReactions((Domain)arg1, (float)arg2) → bool :

checkNodalReactions(tolerande): check that reactions at nodes correspond to constrained degrees of freedom.

C++ signature :
bool checkNodalReactions(XC::Domain {lvalue},double)
commit((Domain)arg1) → int :
C++ signature :
int commit(XC::Domain {lvalue})

returns mesh constraints.


returns finite element mesh.


returns preprocessor.


returns the pseudo-time tracker of the domain.

revertToLastCommit((Domain)arg1) → int :
C++ signature :
int revertToLastCommit(XC::Domain {lvalue})
revertToStart((Domain)arg1) → int :
C++ signature :
int revertToStart(XC::Domain {lvalue})
setDeadSRF((float)arg1) → None :

Assigns Stress Reduction Factor for element deactivation.

C++ signature :
void setDeadSRF(double)
setLoadConstant((Domain)arg1) → None :

sets currents load patterns as constant in time.

C++ signature :
void setLoadConstant(XC::Domain {lvalue})
setRayleighDampingFactors((Domain)arg1, (RayleighDampingFactors)arg2) → int :

sets the Rayleigh damping factors.

C++ signature :
int setRayleighDampingFactors(XC::Domain {lvalue},XC::RayleighDampingFactors)
setTime((Domain)arg1, (float)arg2) → None :

sets the time on the time tracker.

C++ signature :
void setTime(XC::Domain {lvalue},double)