XC Open source finite element analysis program
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Bidimensional elastic section for plate modellings. More...

#include <ElasticPlateSection.h>

Inheritance diagram for XC::ElasticPlateSection:
XC::ElasticPlateProto< 5 > XC::ElasticPlateBase XC::PlateBase XC::SectionForceDeformation XC::Material XC::TaggedObject XC::MovableObject XC::DistributedBase

Public Member Functions

 ElasticPlateSection (int tag)
 ElasticPlateSection (void)
 Default constructor.
 ElasticPlateSection (int tag, double E, double nu, double h=1.0)
SectionForceDeformationgetCopy (void) const
 Virtual constructor.
const ResponseIdgetType (void) const
 Returns the labels of the DOFs for wich the element adds (assembles) stiffness.
const VectorgetStressResultant (void) const
 Return the cross-section stress resultant.
const MatrixgetSectionTangent (void) const
 Return the tangent stiffness matrix.
const MatrixgetInitialTangent (void) const
 Return the initial tangent stiffness matrix.
void Print (std::ostream &s, int flag)
 print out data
int sendSelf (CommParameters &)
 Sends object through the channel being passed as parameter.
int recvSelf (const CommParameters &)
 Receives object through the channel being passed as parameter.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::ElasticPlateProto< 5 >
 ElasticPlateProto (int tag, int classTag)
 ElasticPlateProto (int classTag)
 ElasticPlateProto (int tag, int classTag, double E, double nu, double h)
int getOrder (void) const
int setInitialSectionDeformation (const Vector &strain)
int setTrialSectionDeformation (const Vector &strain_from_element)
void zeroInitialSectionDeformation (void)
const VectorgetInitialSectionDeformation (void) const
const VectorgetSectionDeformation (void) const
int revertToStart (void)
 revert to start
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::ElasticPlateBase
 ElasticPlateBase (int tag, int classTag)
 ElasticPlateBase (int classTag)
 Null constructor.
 ElasticPlateBase (int tag, int classTag, double E, double nu, double h)
int commitState (void)
 swap history variables
int revertToLastCommit (void)
 revert to last saved state
double getE (void) const
void setE (const double &d)
double getnu (void) const
void setnu (const double &d)
double membraneModulus (void) const
double shearModulus (void) const
double bendingModulus (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::PlateBase
 PlateBase (int tag, int classTag)
 PlateBase (int classTag)
 PlateBase (int tag, int classTag, double h)
double getStrain (const double &y, const double &z) const
 Returns strain at position being passed as parameter.
double getH (void) const
void setH (const double &d)
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::SectionForceDeformation
 SectionForceDeformation (int tag, int classTag, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr)
 SectionForceDeformation (const SectionForceDeformation &otro)
 Copy constructor.
SectionForceDeformationoperator= (const SectionForceDeformation &otro)
 Assignment operator.
MaterialLoadergetMaterialLoader (void)
virtual int addInitialSectionDeformation (const Vector &)
 Adds to the generalized strains vector inicial el being passed as parameter.
void setInitialGeneralizedStrain (const Vector &iS)
const VectorgetInitialGeneralizedStrain (void) const
double getSectionDeformation (const int &) const
 Returns 'defID' component of the generalized strain vector.
double getSectionDeformationByName (const std::string &) const
 Returns section's trial deformation component by its name.
double getStressResultant (const int &) const
 Returns 'defID' component of the generalized stress vector.
double getStressResultantByName (const std::string &) const
 Returns the esfuerzos de la placa.
virtual const MatrixgetSectionFlexibility (void) const
 Returns the tangent flexibility matrix of the section.
virtual const MatrixgetInitialFlexibility (void) const
 Returns the initial flexibility matrix of the section.
const VectorgetGeneralizedStress (void) const
virtual const VectorgetGeneralizedStrain (void) const
virtual double getRho (void) const
 Returns the densidad (masa por unidad de longitud/area/volumen) of the section.
std::string getTypeString (void) const
 Comma separated internal forces names to with the section contributes with stiffness.
virtual ResponsesetResponse (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, Information &info)
 Returns the respuesta of the section.
virtual int getResponse (int responseID, Information &info)
 Returns section response.
virtual int setParameter (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, Parameter &param)
virtual int updateParameter (int parameterID, Information &info)
virtual int activateParameter (int parameterID)
virtual const VectorgetStressResultantSensitivity (int gradNumber, bool conditional)
virtual const VectorgetSectionDeformationSensitivity (int gradNumber)
virtual const MatrixgetSectionTangentSensitivity (int gradNumber)
virtual double getRhoSensitivity (int gradNumber)
virtual int commitSensitivity (const Vector &sectionDeformationGradient, int gradNumber, int numGrads)
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::Material
 Material (int tag, int classTag)
const MaterialLoaderGetMaterialLoader (void) const
 Returns (if possible) a pointer to the material handler (owner).
MaterialLoaderGetMaterialLoader (void)
 Returs a pointer to the material handler (if possible).
std::string getName (void) const
 Returns the name of the material.
virtual int setVariable (const std::string &argv)
virtual int getVariable (int variableID, double &info)
virtual void update (void)
 Update state variables for the material according to the new values of the parameters.
virtual void addInitialGeneralizedStrain (const Vector &)
 Increments generalized strain. More...
virtual void zeroInitialGeneralizedStrain (void)
 zeroes initial generalized strain
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::TaggedObject
 TaggedObject (int tag, EntCmd *owr=nullptr)
void assignTag (int newTag)
 Establece el valor del tag.
int getTag (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::MovableObject
 MovableObject (int classTag, int dbTag)
 MovableObject (int classTag)
 MovableObject (const MovableObject &otro)
 Copy constructor.
MovableObjectoperator= (const MovableObject &otro)
 Operacdor asignación.
int getClassTag (void) const
 Returns the tag de la clase.
int getDbTag (void) const
 Returns the tag para la database.
int getDbTag (CommParameters &)
 Returns the tag para la database.
void setDbTag (int dbTag)
 Asigna el tag para la database.
void setDbTag (CommParameters &)
 Asigna, sólo si es preciso, el tag para la database.
virtual int setVariable (const std::string &variable, Information &)
 Returns the identificador de la variable cuyo nombre being passed as parameter.
virtual int getVariable (const std::string &variable, Information &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::DistributedBase
 DistributedBase (void)
virtual DbTagDatagetDbTagData (void) const
 Returns a vector to store class dbTags.
const int & getDbTagDataPos (const int &i) const
 Returns the data at the i-th position.
void setDbTagDataPos (const int &i, const int &v)
 Sets the data at the i-th position.
void inicComm (const int &dataSize) const
 Initializes communication.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::ElasticPlateProto< 5 >
int sendData (CommParameters &)
 Send data through the channel being passed as parameter.
int recvData (const CommParameters &)
 Receive data through the channel being passed as parameter.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::ElasticPlateBase
int sendData (CommParameters &cp)
 Send data through the channel being passed as parameter.
int recvData (const CommParameters &cp)
 Receive data through the channel being passed as parameter.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::SectionForceDeformation
int sendData (CommParameters &cp)
 Send object members through the channel defined in cp.
int recvData (const CommParameters &cp)
 Receives object members through the channel defined in cp.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::TaggedObject
void setTag (int newTag)
 Establece el valor del tag.
- Protected Attributes inherited from XC::ElasticPlateProto< 5 >
Vector trialStrain
Vector initialStrain
- Protected Attributes inherited from XC::ElasticPlateBase
double E
 elastic modulus
double nu
 poisson ratio
- Protected Attributes inherited from XC::PlateBase
double h
 plate thickness
- Protected Attributes inherited from XC::SectionForceDeformation
 Default flexibility matrix.
 Material definition handler (search,...).
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from XC::ElasticPlateProto< 5 >
static Vector stress
static Matrix tangent
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from XC::ElasticPlateBase
static const double five6 = 5.0/6.0

Detailed Description

Bidimensional elastic section for plate modellings.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: