XC Open source finite element analysis program
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Lista de regiones. More...

#include <ListRegiones.h>

Inheritance diagram for XC::ListRegiones:

Public Types

typedef std::list< RegionSecc * > l_reg
typedef l_reg::reference reference
typedef l_reg::const_reference const_reference
typedef l_reg::iterator iterator
typedef l_reg::const_iterator const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 ListRegiones (MaterialLoader *ml)
 ListRegiones (const ListRegiones &otro)
 Copy constructor.
ListRegionesoperator= (const ListRegiones &otro)
 Assignment operator.
 ~ListRegiones (void)
XC::RegionSeccpush_back (const RegionSecc &reg)
 Adds a region to the container.
size_t size (void) const
bool empty (void) const
void clear (void)
 Erases todas las regiones.
const_iterator begin (void) const
const_iterator end (void) const
iterator begin (void)
iterator end (void)
RgSccQuadnewQuadRegion (const std::string &)
 Aggregates a new quadrilateral region.
RgSccCircnewCircularRegion (const std::string &)
 Aggregates a new circularl region.
size_t getNumCells (void) const
 Returns the número total de celdas.
std::list< Poligono2d > getRegionsContours (void) const
 Returns a list with the regions contours.
std::list< Poligono2d > getContours (void) const
 Return the regions contours.
BND2d getBnd (void) const
ListRegiones Interseccion (const Semiplano2d &) const
double getAreaGrossSection (void) const
 Returns the área de las regiones.
Vector getCdgGrossSection (void) const
 Returns the centro de gravedad of the gross cross-section.
double getIyGrossSection (void) const
 Returns the moment of inertia of the gross cross-section with respecto to the axis parallel to y passing through the centroid.
double getIzGrossSection (void) const
 Returns the moment of inertia of the gross cross-section with respect to the axis paralelo al z por el centroid.
double getPyzGrossSection (void) const
 Returns the producto de inercia of the gross cross-section respecto a los ejes paralelos al y y al z por el centroid.
Vector getCdgHomogenizedSection (const double &E0) const
double getAreaHomogenizedSection (const double &E0) const
 Returns the homogenized area de las regiones.
double getIyHomogenizedSection (const double &E0) const
 Returns homogenized moment of inertia of the cross-section with respecto to the axis parallel to y passing through the centroid. More...
double getIzHomogenizedSection (const double &E0) const
 Returns homogenized moment of inertia of the cross-section with respecto to the axis parallel to z passing through the centroid. More...
double getPyzHomogenizedSection (const double &E0) const
 Returns homogenized product of inertia of the cross-section with respecto to the axis parallel to y and z passing through the centroid. More...
void Print (std::ostream &s) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::SeccionInerte
 SeccionInerte (EntCmd *owr=nullptr)
double getIxGrossSection (void) const
 Inertia of the gross section about an axis parallel to x through his center of gravity.
double getTheta_pGrossSection (void) const
 Agle of the principal axis of inertia of the gross section with respect of current axis.
Vector getDirEjeI_aGrossSection (void) const
 Direction of a principal axis of inertia of the gross section with respect of current axis.
Vector getDirEjeI_bGrossSection (void) const
 Direction of the other principal axis of inertia of the gross section with respect of current axis.
double getI1GrossSection (void) const
 Major principal moment of inertia of the gross section.
double getI2GrossSection (void) const
 Minor principal moment of inertia of the gross section.
PrincipalAxesOfInertia2D getEjesInerciaGrossSection (void) const
 Principal axis of inertia of the gross section.
Vector2d getVDirEje1GrossSection (void) const
 Direction of the major principal axis of inertia of the gross section.
Vector2d getVDirStrongAxisGrossSection (void) const
 Direction of the major principal axis of inertia of the gross section.
Vector2d getVDirEje2GrossSection (void) const
 Direction of the minor principal axis of inertia of the gross section.
Vector2d getVDirWeakAxisGrossSection (void) const
 Direction of the minor principal axis of inertia of the gross section.
double getIGrossSection (const unsigned short int &, const unsigned short int &) const
 Return the i,j component of the tensor of inertia computed with respect to centroid.
double getIGrossSection (const unsigned short int &, const unsigned short int &, const Pos2d &) const
 Return the i,j component of the tensor of inertia computed with respect to the point "o".
double getIGrossSection (const Pos2d &, const Vector &) const
 Returns the moment of inertia with respect to the axis that passes through O with the direction of e.
double getIGrossSection (const Recta2d &) const
 Returns the moment of inertia respecto a la recta being passed as parameter.
double getIOGrossSection (const Pos2d &) const
 Returns the momento polar de inercia with respect to the point o.
Matrix getIGrossSection (void) const
 Returns the tensor of inertia computed with respect to the object centroid.
Matrix getIGrossSection (const Pos2d &) const
 Returns the tensor of inertia respector al punto o.
double getIxHomogenizedSection (const double &) const
 Inertia of the homogenized section about an axis parallel to x through his center of gravity. More...
double getTheta_pHomogenizedSection (void) const
 Agle of the principal axis of inertia of the homogenized section with respect of current axis.
Vector getDirEjeI_aHomogenizedSection (void) const
 Direction of a principal axis of inertia of the homogenized section with respect of current axis. More...
Vector getDirEjeI_bHomogenizedSection (void) const
 Direction of the other axis of inertia of the homogenized section with respect of current axis. More...
double getI1HomogenizedSection (const double &) const
 Major principal moment of inertia of the homogenized section.
double getI2HomogenizedSection (const double &) const
 Minor principal moment of inertia of the homogenized section.
PrincipalAxesOfInertia2D getEjesInerciaHomogenizedSection (const double &) const
 Principal axis of inertia of the homogenized section.
Vector2d getVDirEje1HomogenizedSection (const double &) const
 Direction of the major principal axis of inertia of the homogenized section.
Vector2d getVDirStrongAxisHomogenizedSection (const double &) const
 Direction of the major principal axis of inertia of the homogenized section.
Vector2d getVDirEje2HomogenizedSection (const double &) const
 Direction of the minor principal axis of inertia of the homogenized section.
Vector2d getVDirWeakAxisHomogenizedSection (const double &) const
 Direction of the minor principal axis of inertia of the homogenized section.
double getIHomogenizedSection (const double &, const unsigned short int &, const unsigned short int &) const
 tensor of inertia (i,j) component of the homogenized section.
double getIHomogenizedSection (const double &, const unsigned short int &, const unsigned short int &, const Pos2d &) const
 Return the i,j component of the tensor of inertia computed with respect to the point "o".
double getIHomogenizedSection (const double &, const Pos2d &, const Vector &) const
 Returns the moment of inertia with respect to the axis that passes through O with the direction of e.
double getIHomogenizedSection (const double &, const Recta2d &) const
 Returns the moment of inertia respecto a la recta being passed as parameter.
double getIOHomogenizedSection (const double &, const Pos2d &) const
 Returns the momento polar de inercia with respect to the point o.
Matrix getIHomogenizedSection (const double &) const
 Returns the tensor of inertia computed with respect to the object centroid.
Matrix getIHomogenizedSection (const double &, const Pos2d &) const
 Returns the tensor of inertia respector al punto o.
CrossSectionProperties3d getCrossSectionProperties3d (const CrossSectionProperties3d &) const
CrossSectionProperties2d getCrossSectionProperties2d (const CrossSectionProperties2d &) const

Protected Attributes

 Material definition handler (searching,...).

Detailed Description

Lista de regiones.

Member Function Documentation

double XC::ListRegiones::getIyHomogenizedSection ( const double &  E0) const

Returns homogenized moment of inertia of the cross-section with respecto to the axis parallel to y passing through the centroid.

E0Reference elastic modulus.

Implements XC::SeccionInerte.

double XC::ListRegiones::getIzHomogenizedSection ( const double &  E0) const

Returns homogenized moment of inertia of the cross-section with respecto to the axis parallel to z passing through the centroid.

E0Reference elastic modulus.

Implements XC::SeccionInerte.

double XC::ListRegiones::getPyzHomogenizedSection ( const double &  E0) const

Returns homogenized product of inertia of the cross-section with respecto to the axis parallel to y and z passing through the centroid.

E0Reference elastic modulus.

Implements XC::SeccionInerte.

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